Liev Black

LIEV BLACK is a hypnotist and life and relationship coach with 20 years of experience.  She enjoys helping clients to meet their work, study, health, fitness, relationship/intimacy, and other goals using the methods that will be most effective and enjoyable for each person on an individual basis.

In addition to hypnosis, depending on the client’s needs and lifestyle, she uses ultrasonic (seemingly silent) affirmations (including tailor-made custom programs) and binaural tones, created with sound engineer Jeppe Brodersen, and visual subliminal programs produced by software developer Santi Lanus.  Binaural, ultrasonic, and visual subliminal programs can be used together or separately by clients who prefer to work on some area or areas of their lives or achieve an even deeper state of relaxation or meditation without having to take time out of their busy schedule, or who have trouble achieving a deeply relaxed state conducive to hypnosis.