Showing all 9 results

  • Health & Fitness

    ASD Calming Left-Right Brain Connector

    Zen Ultrasonic is an mp3 program that plays seemingly silent spoken affirmations designed to help discreetly, conveniently, and deeply incorporate the ideas that you want to take root or to develop further to reach your goals. Affirmations play at a pitch just above the conscious mind’s ability to perceive them, for optimal subconscious uptake of the messages. Many users …

  • Health & Fitness

    Bruxism Relief – Stop Teeth Grinding and TMJ

    Look forward to your jaw muscles relaxing over time. Imagine noticing that your mouth, cheeks, and jaw are surprisingly comfortable when it’s time for bed, and that you wake without jaw pain. Notice that your jaw remains relaxed even on a stressful day. Your body learns to protect your teeth and your jaw as you effortlessly learn …

  • Health & Fitness

    Crave Healthy Foods

    Notice that you’re beginning to prefer the flavors of nutrient-rich foods. You find that eating fresh, healthy food feels good, and you want to explore healthy new foods. Find your tastes shifting to healthy foods and treats. Discover that you really love fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains. You want to prepare healthy meals. …

  • Health & Fitness

    Deep Relaxation

    Notice yourself relaxing without even trying…unconsciously clenched muscles easily letting go. Feel more comfortable in any situation. Enjoy a renewed sense of calm and confidence. You can even sleep more restfully, to wake refreshed and fully alert.

  • Health & Fitness

    Exercise Motivator

    Find yourself naturally enjoying and prioritizing exercise. Look forward to working out. Notice that you feel eager for every work-out…your endurance and strength improving.

  • Health & Fitness

    Fine with Needles and the Sight of Blood

    Experience blood draws or injections feeling relaxed and confident. Feel calm and positive in the presence of needles and blood – solid, steady, clear-headed, and strong!

  • Health & Fitness

    Free from Sugar Cravings

    Find yourself naturally wanting to choose healthy, nutrient-packed foods over sugary ones. Imagine thinking, about a candy or sweet dessert, that it’s simply “too much.” Discover your will power improving, redirecting your attention away from sugar cravings that seem to just be fading out of your day-to-day experience. Imagine being free from sugar cravings, at last!

  • Health & Fitness

    Get into the Zone Athletic Enhancer

    Get into “the Zone” when you practice, play, or compete. Improve your reaction times. Notice your body moving effortlessly…your balance perfect…your agility increasing, and your focus on what you need to do to perform at your peak from one moment to the next.

  • Health & Fitness

    Quit Smoking

    Love being a non-smoker. Feel better every day, with increased will power and discipline. Find yourself relaxing automatically in the face of cravings, easily able to focus on healthy activities, and enjoying better health – and a better future.