Crave Healthy Foods


Notice that you’re beginning to prefer the flavors of nutrient-rich foods. You find that eating fresh, healthy food feels good, and you want to explore healthy new foods. Find your tastes shifting to healthy foods and treats. Discover that you really love fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains. You want to prepare healthy meals. You enjoy the refreshment of pure, clean water. This can be you.

SKU: ZM-016S-CHF Category:


Zen Subliminal is a program for Windows that plays affirmations on your screen designed to help deeply and effectively incorporate the ideas that you want to take root and develop. Affirmations appear on your monitor so briefly that the conscious mind cannot perceive them; this is for optimal subconscious uptake of the ideas. Settings can also be adjusted to allow slower play and various degrees of opacity (from everyday opaque text to near invisibility) for consciously meditating on them, though most users prefer to absorb the ideas discreetly and without distracting from working, browsing, and other activities at their computer.

Zen Subliminal also provides the option to play the program’s same affirmations in spoken form, ultrasonically; that is, the spoken affirmations will be inaudible to your conscious mind. But, as with the visual subliminal messages, your subconscious mind processes the ideas – and without any conscious interference, such as “old tapes” – former limiting ideas that can play in the mind and would otherwise impede your efforts to reach your goals.

When playing spoken affirmations ultrasonically; that is, above your ability to consciously perceive them, it is important to maintain a safe, low-to-medium volume to protect hearing. Do not use headphones or earphones when playing ultrasonic programs.

Use this program for a minimum of six hours daily with high-quality stereo speakers. Results vary, but most users will experience progress in the areas that they are working on within 6-8 weeks. Continue using this program beyond this period, on a regular basis, to reinforce your progress.


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