Creative Enhancement for Actors


Unlock the hidden powers of your mind to elevate your artistic abilities with “Creative Enhancement for Actors.” This audio session guides you into a deep state of relaxation, allowing you to access past experiences of creative breakthroughs and moments of flow.

In this tranquil state, you’ll learn to effortlessly tap into your creative potential. This session trains your mind to enter a state of flow whenever you engage in your craft.

You’ll learn a personal ritual to center you, allowing you to spontaneously slip into flow, making creativity a consistent and sustainable part of your experience. As you continue to develop your skills, you’ll notice new ideas coming effortlessly, old fears fading away, and a deepened enjoyment of your art taking root.

Whether you listen as you’re falling asleep or during your waking hours, “Creative Enhancement for Actors” provides the tools and guidance you need to perform at your best.

SKU: ZM-019U-CEA Category:


Zen Ultrasonic is an mp3 program that plays seemingly silent spoken affirmations designed to help discreetly, conveniently, and deeply incorporate the ideas that you want to take root or to develop further to reach your goals. Affirmations play at a pitch just above the conscious mind’s ability to perceive them, for optimal subconscious uptake of the messages. Many users prefer to absorb the ideas discreetly and without distracting from their everyday activities by taking them along or using them through the night in mp3 form on their phones or playing them at their computer.

As ultrasonics, these messages will be inaudible to your conscious mind. But, as with visual subliminal messages, your subconscious mind processes the ideas without any conscious interference, such as “old tapes” – former limiting ideas that can play in the mind and otherwise impede your efforts to reach your goals.

Please note, when playing spoken affirmations above your ability to consciously perceive them, such as Zen Mindware ultrasonic programs, it is important to maintain a safe, low-to-medium volume to protect hearing. Do not use headphones or earphones when playing ultrasonic programs.

Use this program for a minimum of six hours daily with high-quality speakers. Results vary, but most users experience progress in the areas that they are working on within 6-8 weeks. Some will notice changes sooner.


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